Where should I place Puraclenz Core 750 in my home or business, so it is most effective?
Before choosing a location, keep two things in mind:
- Size: Puraclenz Core 750 is fairly large 27.5 inches in height and 12.1 inches width and 12.1 inches in depth (to accommodate both the HEPA and the PCO sections), so, it should always be placed on the floor.
- Air & Ion flow: Placement will affect airflow into and out of both the HEPA filter and the PCO section. This will also affect the diffusion of ions from the PCO section.
- Please avoid placing it near or next to a HVAC intake.
Placement Guidelines
- Your Puraclenz Core 750 should be located in a central area. Your Purifier does not need to be right next to you for effective coverage.
- Place your Puraclenz Core 750 unit at least 1 foot from walls, furniture, and other airflow obstructions on all sides.
- Make sure none of the intake grills or air exhausts are blocked.
- Puraclenz Core 750 is suitable for dry location. Do not use outdoors and do not expose to water.
- Keep the Puraclenz Core 750 away from a heated surface and away from high temperature source such as furnace, fireplace, stove, etc.
For more safety information, please visit Puraclenz Core 750 Owner's Manual and Quick Start Guide. Owner Manual on this page.
Note: Maximum effectiveness may take up to 5 days. The control panel display will change color as your room gets purified. Continue to run your purifier 24/7.